Hey Ohana,
We were quieter on social media in our first year as Married to A Disney Addict than we had initially planned, but let’s be honest, 2021 was a bit of a doozy! However, we are determined to expand our new endeavor in 2022 and have some fun ideas that will be coming your way starting in the next few weeks! We are planning new posts that will cover topics including everything from our favorite stroller and why we started working with a travel agent to what a 3 day trip to WDW looks like and what we would do differently, among others. And as MTADA is meant to be a place for all of us we encourage YOU to please feel free to message us or comment with ideas or topics you would like to see covered. Along with the blog we are hopeful to be more active with our social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok (that’s right we’re jumping on the bandwagon), and Facebook! If you aren’t already following us there please go check us out, we’d love for you to join the Ohana!

(On line for Smuggler's Run - our first trip back after COVID shut everything down, no fast pass, 70+min standby line = the dude dad's shoulders watching Duck Tails on the phone.)
Today, we’re briefly looking back at the memories we made in 2021 and grateful that we had the opportunity to meet so many new people and return to the place we love when so many may not have been able to. This was a BIG year for Married to A Disney Addict as it’s the year we started our adventure with all of YOU back in March. We’ve always loved Disney and found that the people we most enjoyed being around and conversing with most shared that passion with us and we wanted to create a place where we could do just that! We created a website where we could share our blog entries, photos and videos, Disney News, and forums with all of you. We expanded our existing Instagram account and created a Facebook page and group that allows all of us to engage with one another. That page has grown to over 700 members of our Ohana, while over 2,000 people follow along on IG! (WE THANK ALL OF YOU FOR THAT!)
We also had the honor of being interviewed for the very first time by author and podcaster Josh Avery of Beyond the Pixie Dust where we got the opportunity to share a little bit of our story and talk about the role Disney plays in making our relationship stronger. We’re looking forward to talking with even more people this year and perhaps conducting a few interviews of our own?!

(The OG addict and the Jr. addict in their favorite spot...right on Main St. in front of the castle. This was on our second trip back after the COVID closure and they had just relaxed the mask mandate to allow you to remove them for quick outdoor photos)
Aside from starting Married to A Disney Addict, we were also lucky enough to visit our favorite place 3 times in 2021. (I’m still in disbelief over this fact). Two of our trips were replanned from 2020 due to COVID, while our most recent trip was as close to a last-minute (as currently possible) trip as we’ve ever done. We were just 45 days out when we decided that trip was happening which is VERY unlike us haha! It was great getting to escape the real world a few times in favor of a magical one and we had a blast “bringing you along with us” through our live videos from the parks and social media posts! We are hoping to do much more of this in 2022 as well!
As 2022 begins, we have hundreds of ideas running through our heads for Married to A Disney Addict. While we know we realistically won’t be able to get to everything on our whiteboard (the one actually hanging in our bedroom), we are looking forward to bringing some new and exciting things for our Ohana to enjoy with us, including celebrating our 1 year anniversary coming up in the next few months! Sitting back and reflecting on 2021 we find ourselves lucky to have this life. We are grateful to the friends we have met and who have become our O’hana and continue to support our passion project. We are excited for the new adventures this year will bring and wish all of YOU the very best. Now let's sit back, relax and raise a glass to more magic in 2022!
Thanks for reading along - Krystle

Lincoln - excited for what waits ahead for Married to a Disney Addict in 2022 (and telling us how riding Tower of Terror for the first time was like - he was a CHAMP!)